All the Vox Pupuli containers
You may have heard about our (now deprecated) puppetserver/puppetdb container images? But did you know that we have a lot more containers available? We have ...
You may have heard about our (now deprecated) puppetserver/puppetdb container images? But did you know that we have a lot more containers available? We have ...
The results are in! After consulting with the current PMC, we have decided to expand to 7 members for this year, which means that all 7 of our nominees are h...
I am happy to announce that Vox Pupuli’s OpenVox packages and repositories are now available under the domain! We now provide the following URL...
We just migrated tailoredautomation/etcd to Vox Pupuli.
As announced at CfgMgmtCamp last week, we are kicking off the more-or-less annual PMC elections process. This is a yearly process to provide more people oppo...
After a lot of work, we’ve a new GitHub workflow in place. It can automatically:
It’s been quite a journey, y’all. But we’re excited to announce the first release of OpenVox, the community-maintained open source implementation of Puppet. ...
Vox Pupuli Travel fund for Config Management Camp 2024
Vox Pupuli has two new sponsors. CERN is sponsoring a CI runner for tests and GEANT made a onetime 250$ donation to us.
At our mailinglist we asked for feedback about some unused modules:
At our mailinglist we asked for feedback about some unused modules:
In the past, Vox Pupuli decided against supporting Debian LTS timeframes. This was mostly because our CI resources were quite limited back in the days of Tra...
Vox Pupuli now maintains the github_actions_runner module. It allows you to host GitHub runners on your own hardware. The module was originally developed by ...
Since a few days, Macarne, a bare metal solution provider, is sponsoring us a big AMD Epyc box. This system provides us 96 CPU cores, 128GB memory and 4TB of...
Beginning of today we are also releaseing our puppetserver and puppetdb containers with shorter names.
At our mailinglist we asked for feedback about some unused modules:
In 2023 we announced that we (or rather GitHub themself) want to enforce two factor authentication for our organisation. We now want to enforce that at 2024-...
The 2024 PMC elections have now concluded and it’s time to meet your new Project Management Committee.
If you haven’t cast your vote for the PMC elections yet then you’re running out of time because the election closes tomorrow!
This is a quick reminder that we started our PMC elections. You can still vote until May 15 2024 23:59 UTC.
A few operating systems are soon end of life and we won’t support them anymore:
After a slight delay, we are opening the voting period for this year’s PMC elections. Votes will be accepted until May 15 2024 23:59 UTC.
Due to demand in the community, we migrated jamesmcdonald/cpanm to Vox Pupuli.
The upcoming Project Management Committee (PMC) elections are drawing near, prompting a reflection on the essence of committee membership.
As of today, we’ve officially joined, a leading platform for tech and development blogging. In addition to our established blog on, we’l...
As announced at CfgMgmtCamp last week, we are kicking off the more-or-less annual PMC elections process. This is a yearly process to provide more people oppo...
Back in Nov ‘23 we migrated biemond/wildfly to Vox Pupuli.
As of now, all our container images are also available on
Due to high demand in the community, we migrated trlinkin/nsswitch to Vox Pupuli.
Vox Pupuli’s CI now supports testing using distro Puppet versions. At the moment this is used for ArchLinux, Debian 12 and Fedora 37 & 38.
Due to high demand in the community, we migrated jcpunk/tuned to Vox Pupuli.
We have cleaned up the GitHub permissions for all the puppet-lint plugins. Previously, our GitHub group collaborators had write access. This group is meant t...
Due to high demand in the community, we migrated jcpunk/sssd to Vox Pupuli. We did the first release today.
Puppet stepped up and is interested in maintaining some of our (archived) windows modules. Today we migrated the following git repositories to them:
GitHub will soon enforce two factor authencation for all users in our organisation. Most of you already have it enabled. Instead of being locked out of our o...
Since Configuration Management Camp 2023, people can finally donate to Vox Pupuli!
Today, 2023-07-02, we started to implement Puppet 8 support for our modules. This has a few constraints: Puppet 8 AIO packages bundle Ruby 3.2 because o...
Starting Today, 2023-07-01, we are implementing puppetlabs/stdlib 9 support in our modules. The 9 release dropped a lot of functions or namespaced them. Wher...
As a result of a set of discussions on IRC and on the mailinglist. We will archive the following modules due to lack of community engagement:
Starting today, 2023-04-28, we are dropping Puppet 6 support from our modules. Puppet 6 is end of life since 2023-02-28. Puppet’s policy on EOL is available ...
Well, [[checks watch]] would ya look at that. It’s March 23, UTC, and that means that it’s time to close the PMC elections. Not only that but as it turns out...
This is our new blog series, where we inform you about changes within Vox Pupuli itself or our codebase! Today we start with the first one, information about...
A long long time ago I can still remember… Dominic Cleal created Inspired by, the site generates documentation for Puppet mod...
Due to high demand in the community, we forked jsok/vault to Vox Pupuli. We did the first release today.
As announced at CfgMgmtCamp this week, we are kicking off the “annual” PMC elections process. For an increasingly loose definition of the word, this is a yea...
At Vox Pupuli we love CI! We heavily use GitHub Actions to run multiple jobs on each new pull request. All our releases are done via GitHub Actions as well. ...
Some time ago we migrated all Puppet module CI jobs from Travis-CI to GitHub Actions. We’re now in the process to do the same for all of our Rubygems. We had...
In the summer of 2021 a lot happened around freenode. The IRC network is now maintained by new people. As a consequence many open source communities migrated...
After an extremely long wait and lots of work from the Vox Pupuli PMC, we are happy to announce that we finally have APT and YUM repositories for Puppet Webh...
There’s a lot of fanfare for text editors like Visual Studio Code and Atom for general development these days while those that utilize Vim, Neovim, and Emacs...
Hello everyone!
Hello everybody! A long long time ago, we started to drop Puppet 3. During that process, we created a legacy branch, called puppet3. Puppet 3 is end of life ...
This is a new blog series that we would like to introduce. At Vox Pupuli, we receive many Pull Requests. We receive so much awesome code, that isn’t really a...
This is a new blog series that we would like to introduce. At Vox Pupuli, we receive many Pull Requests. We receive so much awesome code, that isn’t really a...
Puppet 4 reached End of Life on 2018-12-31. There isn’t an official support matrix for the FOSS components. For Puppet enterprise this can be found here. PE ...
This is a new blog series that we would like to introduce. At Vox Pupuli, we receive many Pull Requests. We receive so much awesome code, that isn’t really a...
Voting has concluded and results are in for the 2019 calendar year Project Management Committee.
Voting is now open for the 2019 calendar year Project Management Committee, with seven great candidates to choose from.
Vox Pupuli has opened elections for the 2019 calendar year Project Management Committee. The elections were announced at Puppet’s Contributor Summit Online. ...
I’m sure everyone is tired of the innundation of Privacy Policy update emails that you’ve been getting over the last several weeks. I’m happy to say that Vox...
Vox Pupuli - The Funny Community Journey
This year, we have five people self-nominate to be PMC members for the next year. As we only had 5 nominations and 5 seats, there was no need to run an elect...
Vox Pupuli is having, somewhat late, it’s second election for the project management committee. This blogpost will give you the context and how to become a c...
We are excited to announce that after nearly two months of development we are releasing version 1.0.0 of the Puppet_Webhook Sinatra REST Server for R10K and ...
With the upgrade to Puppet 4 in all of our modules, we have also added the gem github_changelog_generator. This is an automated tool to generate a CHANGELOG....
We announced the deprecation of Puppet 3 in our modules already. There are a few steps needed to be taken before a Puppet-4-only release can be done:
Puppet 3 is officially end of life on Jan 1, 2017. That is 8 days from today. Vox Pupuli’s plan for deprecating Puppet 3 support in modules is as follows:
It’s been one more year of VoxPupuli goodness. We thought we’d look back on what we’ve accomplished this year and celebrate. This year we solidified our iden...
The PMC elections have been over since a couple of days and the results were posted to the mailing lists early Monday morning.
After a small delay due to travels on my part we are now all set to start the vote on who will be part of the 5-seat PMC. Though I can repeat the announcemen...
This is a great moment for Vox Pupuli’s puppet-corosync module. The 5.0.0 major release is there, with lots of new features and improvements. Please also not...
What a time to be alive in the Vox Pupuli community! As more, more and more repositories join our namespace (welcome!), our community now counts 70 members.
Vox Pupuli is about to live its first elections. This blogpost will give you the context and how to become a candidate.
This is the transcript of a talk I gave at PuppetCamp Paris & London 2016. You can find the slides can be found on my blag
Yesterday, I have given a talk at Puppet Camp Paris about Types and Providers development, based on my experience with the puppet-corosync module. It was a g...
A new year, a new name and a new website. A lot has happened for our pet project this year. Many new contributors and code joined our organisation but the bi...
In the recent past, the metadata.json file has replaced the Modulefile as the place where metadata about a Puppet module is kept. The Modulefile has a simple...
Purging SSH authorized keys used to be the number one top-voted ticket in the Puppet issue tracker. A community member Felix Frank has solved the issue by ad...
With Puppet 3.6 out the door and the new caching mechanisms it provides I started exploring how to do caching with Puppet. A thank you goes out to Ken Barber...
As one of the ‘maintainers’ of puppetlabs-apt I get pull requests in my inbox on a weekly basis implementing some kind of feature. This is really cool. It me...
At Puppet Labs, we’ve been busy over the last few months, working on overhauling our public modules to treat them as distinct pieces of software rather than ...