Vox Pupuli needs you! Edit

Published on Sep 3, 2016 by roidelapluie.

What a time to be alive in the Vox Pupuli community! As more, more and more repositories join our namespace (welcome!), our community now counts 70 members.

Such a group of people working together faces important challenges, towards integration of new members, general guidance, interpersonal conflicts… And while it is hard to avoid those problems, a community organize itself in a way that the resolution of those problems can be found as soon as possible.

That is one of the tasks of the Project Management Committee (PMC). Such a committee is important for all of us – it is meant to be able to move forward, taking decisions, and ensuring that this community keeps working on the technical side, by making Vox Pupuli a great place to work for everyone.

We need you to be part of this committee. Are you a dev, a sysadmin, a user, contributor or not, collaborator or not… everyone is welcome and can take her/his chance to run in this election. To do this, add yourself to that list. Optionally you can have one markdown page as well describing more in details who you are and everything you want – the only limitation is that it follows our rules.

Don’t be shy. There are 5 places available on that committee and we will ensure that everyone gets the same chance. By randomizing the order of the candidates in the website and during the election, by promoting every candidate at the same level. Because that election must reflect the values we all defend. The values of a fair, welcoming and open world.

You can become a candidate until September 17 2016 23:59 UTC. Soon after that, the list of candidates will be available on the website.

Vox Pupuli needs candidates like you!