A long long time ago I can still remember… Dominic Cleal created puppetmodule.info. Inspired by rubydoc.info, the site generates documentation for Puppet modules with puppet-strings. puppetmodule.info was created around 2017. Since then Dominic moved on and isn’t active anymore in the Puppet ecosystem. The site was slowly forgotten.
Vox Pupuli adopted it by the end of 2022. We updated the source code to work on modern Ruby and enabled TLS for the domain.
You want to use puppetmodule.info for your own modules? Just publish to the forge! We scrape the forge API on a regular basis to import new releases automatically. You can also add a badge to your README.md:
Which will look like this:
You want to participate in the development? Checkout the sourcecode!
You like Ops work and want to help run the server? Ping us on Slack or IRC (links in the footer).
You love Vox Pupuli? You can now sponsor us! Check opencollective.com/vox-pupuli or github.com/sponsors/voxpupuli
Thanks Hetzner Online for sponsoring the cloud resources to host puppetmodule.info!