Documentation Edit
This section is far from finished but contains some basic information on getting started. If you have any questions, reach out to us.
About Vox Pupuli
How to join or participate in the collective and other fun facts.
Setting up a module for publication
Setting up your module for automatic Forge publication.
Releasing a new version of a module
How to perform a complete version release, including modulesync and publication.
Migrating a module to Vox Pupuli
Complete directions for migrating a module to Vox Pupuli, including the process for forking and assuming ownership of an abandoned module.
Reviewing a module pull request
Guidance for reviewing a pull request and criteria for merging.
Software Support Lifecycle
Vox Pupuli policy on supporting upstream software
Updating Files Managed With ModuleSync
How to proceed to update files managed by ModuleSync in Vox Pupuli templates.
How to run the test suite
A very short description of how to run the vox pupuli test suite for puppet modules.
Useful PQL Queries
A community-collection of PQL queries
Releasing a new version of a Ruby Gem
How to perform a complete version release
Deprecated and Archived Modules
Vox Pupuli policy on deprecating and archiving modules
Reference Architectures
Load Balanced
Version v0.0.2A complete server/agent architecture with multiple compilers and load balancing for redundancy.
Single Server
Version v0.0.2A simple server/agent architecture with all services running on a single machine.