Connect with us!

You can get involved in the Vox Pupuli community by connecting at events, getting or giving help in any of our many channels, sharing modules on the Forge, contributing code, docs, or any of your valuable insights–and many other ways, too! However you decide to jump in, we know you’ll learn a lot and help advance our ecosystem.

Mailing List

The [email protected] mailing list is where you’ll see announcements, blog notifications, official decision threads, and others posted.


#voxpupuli on Libera.Chat (webchat) (Bridged to #voxpupuli on Puppet Community Slack)


Vox Pupuli has our own Slack space with channels for projects and community organization.

Join the Vox Pupuli Slack

There is also a #voxpupuli channel on the Puppet Community Slack (You may need someone else to invite you.)

Monthly Vox/Perforce Sync

We have a monthly sync meeting where we discuss the state of the project and what we want to do in the future. You can find the meeting board here. The zoom link is always the same, so you can join us every month. We meet every second Tuesday of the month at 16:30 CET/CEST. You can import this event in your calendar.

🔔 Note that our Code of Conduct applies in all community spaces and social interactions.