Vox Pupuli PMC Election Results, 2025 edition Edit

Published on Mar 10, 2025 by genebean.

The results are in! After consulting with the current PMC, we have decided to expand to 7 members for this year, which means that all 7 of our nominees are hereby members of this year’s PMC! Here are the new PMC members along with links to their nominations saved within our plumbing repository on GitHub:

Candidate Presentation Link
Tim Meusel Presentation  
Sebastian Rakel Presentation  
Ben Ford Presentation  
Robert Waffen Presentation  
Garrett Honeycutt Presentation  
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden Presentation  
Alex Fisher Presentation  

The reason I proposed expanding this year’s PMC is that we have taken on extra work with OpenVox but have not gotten SIGs off the ground. The SIGs should reduce the load on the PMC back to normal levels for next, but if that is not the case we can look to permanently expand the PMC as part of the lead up to CfgMgmtCamp next year.

Take a moment and reach out to our volunteers who help keep Vox Pupuli organized and chugging along and thank them for taking on this extra work. Many of these individuals have been doing this work for several years and are a key part of why Vox Pupuli is thriving today.